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Meet the Advisory Board, Part 1: Asaf Benhaim

An internet marketing entrepreneur, a stock market data analyst, and a military cybersecurity expert walk into a room…

Why, you might ask? To help ViziSites better serve you, of course!

You may have noticed on our social media that we recently started featuring an Employee every month. Allowing you to get to know each part of the great team working for you. This got us thinking… why not introduce you to our Advisory Board as well? Even though they may not work on the website and marketing themselves, they play a very large role in the development of our services and help us provide the high quality service you’ve come to know with ViziSites.

Asaf Benhaim, Chairman of the Board

As the first installment of a 3-part series, we would like to introduce you to Asaf Benhaim, the Chairman of our board.

If you are heavily involved in Veterinary or Chiropractic internet marketing, you may already know the name Asaf Benhaim. He founded, owned and operated Internet Matrix Inc. for 12 years. During that time, Asaf exemplified hands on management in all aspects of the business, and led iMatrix to become one of the nation’s leading health and veterinary internet marketing companies. This is one of the many reasons that we connected with him and brought him onto our advisory board – his expertise and wisdom when it comes to navigating the waters of a fast growing company is invaluable to our management team. With his experience at our disposal, we are confident in ViziSites continued ability to provide a high touch service & outstanding product at an accessible price for years to come.

What led you to the internet marketing industry and what do you enjoy about it?

A: It was my freshman year of high school 1994 when I visited Cal State University Northridge's computer lab, our class was lucky enough to visit their state of the art facility. Aside from the rows and rows of computing awesomeness in their high tech facility, I was amazed by the lightning fast internet connection they had. I remember downloading a large photograph from a server half around the world. It appeared on my computer in a matter of seconds and I just thought it was the coolest thing to be able to share this image from so far away. Looking back, that experience was the first time I was enamored with the internet and really started to think of the reach and power it had. Having been part of a successful internet marketing company during a time that the internet marketing industry transformed from a nascent fringe ethereal concept to the culture defining revenue producing industrial complex it is today has been quite the ride. In terms of education and financial freedom, this industry has largely defined the path of career, lifestyle, and social awareness for me and for an entire generation.

What do you feel your experience & knowledge brings to the board of ViziSites?

A: Well to put it bluntly, I've seen this movie before. 🙂 I feel my experience can guide the company to avoid pitfalls that can slow growth. In addition, bringing a more strategic thought process at an earlier stage will assist in making more impactful decisions.

What excites you the most about ViziSites as a business?

A: I think ViziSites has enormous potential ahead of it. Internet Marketing while very competitive, can also be very rewarding. Rewarding to the clients who choose VS services and rewarding to employees and owners who run the company. But to answer your question more specifically ViziSites is exciting to me personally because VS leadership has shown an eagerness to propel the company faster into the future. VS already has a strong foundation rooted in a top shelf customer experience. Their unrelenting hard work, passion to do right by the customer, and aggressive pursuit to be leaders in their respective markets is a competitive advantage.

What up & coming technology/science are you the most excited about?

A: I’m really eager to experience Tesla's New Roadster.

What is your favorite book, article, or podcast you've heard lately?

A: I’m not an avid reader, but very impressionable books I’ve read include: Winning by Jack Welch, The Nordstrom Way, Universe in A Nutshell by Hawking, and anything NDGT (Neil deGrasse Tyson)

Best of Breed Partners

ViziSites has partnered with a collection of service providers in the veterinary industry and beyond. When you sign up on the Competitor package or higher, you’ll gain access to discounts with our partner businesses like VerticalVet Reminders, Veteos, Vetstoria Live Booking, and Anipanion Telemedicine!

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